September 2011

>> Friday, January 6, 2012

School is in session and we couldn't be more excited about it!
Sunshine Preschool has 8 wonderful, bright, and eager-to-learn students this year.
Our first day of school, we had a great time getting to know each other and diving right into things!
Of course, painting is always a hit and such a fun way to express creativity...

We began talking about a letter of the week, learning letter sounds and recognizing upper and lower case letters.  We began with the letter "F"...
finger painting:

decorating letter "F" with feathers, felt, and foam:

fishing for words that start with "F":

using our fingers for fine motor activities, such as stringing a bead on a pipe cleaner:

science experiments using "flubber":
(It's hard to tell in this picture, but we stacked a colander above another bowl, and put the flubber in the colander to watch it slowly come out of all of the little holes in the colander.)

the children loved it!

we had a farm scene in our sensory table:

...and lots of other wonderful learning experiences going on!
first stages of print in the writing center...

fun farm file folder games:

farm puzzles:

flower arranging:

and, of course, lots of fun with our friends!...

We have also been working on the letters in our names, numbers, shapes, rhyming, colors, and lots of letters and their sounds.  The children are having a lot of fun reading sight words by sounding out each letter!  What a joy it is for me to watch little light bulbs in their heads go off each time they learn something new!

Please stay tuned for more updates to come :)
Happy Learning!


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