My Background

I always knew that I loved to work with children.  To watch them learn and grow as they experience life has always fascinated me.  I feel like I am in my element around young children, in a way I guess I am "young at heart."  :)  Dancing to music and laughing at silly stories with preschool-aged children... I could to do that all day, every day!

I love to watch the little lightbulb in their head go off as they learn a new song, recognize a new letter, learn to spell their name, understand math, complete a challenging puzzle or science experiment, etc.  They are so proud of themselves, and I am, too. :)

My Work History
Growing up, I baby-sat children often.  I was commonly referred to as the neighborhood babysitter.  When I was first starting high school, I began to take the Child Development and Child Care classes, and wanted to know more.  I loved to learn about the best ways to teach young children, and to help them grow and develop to reach their full potential.

I got a job working after school in the Davis High School Child Care Center in Kaysville, Utah.  I loved it!  I knew I could do this forever, but I wanted to be more professional. 

I graduated from high school and enrolled in Weber State University's Early Childhood program.  While attending college, I worked as a Preschool Teacher and an Assistant Director of a local daycare.

I did my student teaching/practicum at the Melba S. Lehner Children's School on the WSU campus.  I loved my time there!  I gained so much knowledge and so many helpful tools to take with me as an early childhood educator.

I graduated in August of 2006 with my Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood and Sociology from Weber State University.

Following graduation, I got a job as lead teacher of a Head Start classroom in Ogden, Utah, where I worked for a few years.  While this job had its challenges, I was so fortunate to be able to see tremendous growth and development with these children.  I would not trade my experiences in Head Start for anything.  Those experiences, along with many others before them, helped to shape who I am as an early childhood educator, constantly striving to become better at what I do.

Here are some pictures of my time at Head Start:

I love to work with children and I can't wait to get started with all of my ideas for this fall and Sunshine Preschool's kids!  Thank you so much for your interest!


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