Letter of the Week

>> Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This is an example of activities we would do for our "letter of the week."  Each week, we focus on a different letter, tying that letter into a theme we are learning about, Art time, center time, books we read, sight words we learn, etc.  We had a lot of fun learning about the letter "Mm."

painting with marbles is always so much fun!

What a fun way to learn a letter... Put painter's tape on paper in the shape of a letter, paint with watercolors all around the tape, and then take the tape off...

Making our own masks... :)

what a cute crew...
(we missed two of our friends who were on vacation while we made masks)

and finding "m" amongst other letters we've learned, and matching them on our letter search...

it was also fun to sound out the letter sounds to read each word...

some other letter of the week activities we enjoyed: 


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