Look What We Made!
>> Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Make your own...
(or, as some of the children here call it, "Dinosaur Snot!" ha, ha, ha!)
Here's what you need:
1 teaspoon borax powder
1 1/2 C water, divided
4 oz (1/2 C) Elmer's glue, clear or white
food coloring
Here's what you do:
First, gather lots of cute boys and girls around you (as many as you can find) because they will love this!
Then, start by dissolving a teaspoon of Borax (found in the laundry section at most stores - I found mine at Macey's) in one cup of water and set it aside.
Then pour your glue and 1/2 c. water in a separate bowl. Stir, and add food coloring to your liking.
Add borax mix to it, and get your hands in it! Smush, mush, and squish it all around! (it will look like the picture at the top of this post at first, but just keep working with it, and it will become more and more firm and dry)
Eventually, you will have this:
Love it! Enjoy!
(for a more detailed explanation, you can click HERE. :)
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