Letter M week!

>> Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We had a lot of fun during letter M week!

First of all, I have to say, we have had some pretty amazing snacks lately (thank you to our fabulous parents)!  
Look at these cute monkey cupcakes!
What a great way to reinforce the letter we are learning in a fun and meaningful way!


During letter M week, we measured a lot of things!  We measured water in our water table and used measuring tapes to measure lots of things in our classroom!

Such a fun art activity - marble painting!
Just splot some paint on your paper and roll a marble or two around to spread the paint around!
In both my morning and afternoon classes, we had a constant line to try the marble painting out.  I hope I snapped a picture of each child... So fun!

my morning class...

and my afternoon class...

We also counted with marshmallows and ate some... Definitely a hit. ;)


Making Play Dough!

>> Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Here are some pictures of my morning class making play dough...
Our play recipe can be found here. :)


First Day of School: 2012-2013!

>> Monday, September 3, 2012

We have TWO classes this year here at Sunshine Preschool!  Very exciting -- a morning class and an afternoon class.  Our first day of school was awesome!  I sure love all these kiddos and cannot wait to spend this school year with them.

I try and keep the first day of school pretty low-key so that no one is overwhelmed.  We learn names, talk about rules, and bring out a few simple activities!

Although our first day was filled with a lot more, I was only able to snap pictures of a few things.

Here is my morning class... showing me what letters they know with their crackers at snack time!

And, of course, we love painting on the first day of school!

CUTE, cute kids, huh!? :)
Here are some of my afternoon class...


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