Letter 'C' Week!

>> Thursday, November 4, 2010

This week has been so fun. The children have been so engaged and interested in all of the letter 'C' activities we did. I just had to share some of the highlights!

First of all, we started our Math unit this month, so being 'C' week, we did a lot of counting.  In this activity, the children counted into cupcake pans...

We also counted all of the letters in our names to make our first graph as a class during circle time...

We did a little science experiment with colors and cotton balls...

We painted with different colors and some children painted letter C's....

We got out some measuring cups and let the children pretend to cook (always a hit :)...

This little cutie told me he was going to bake a cake, which was a perfect thing for him to say because then we could all talk about how cake starts with 'C' and we added cake to our list of C words.  He was pretty proud that he added a C word to our list :)...

We cut out pictures of cookies to decorate our letter C's with...

...and we had to add some cotton balls to them... :)

And, of course, spent time looking around the room for things that start with the letter 'C.'  We found some corn...

These two found a 'car' :)...

And, of course, they loved to talk about cows (we have cows behind my house), so I got out this word puzzle and we all spelled the word cow together...

Then we finished out the week by eating some yummy cookies for snack.
Thanks for such a GREAT week!


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